Few days ago I tried to import my personal certificate (by Verisign) to Windows Phone 8 device. I exported it as .pfx, sent to my self in a email and then opened it on device. It worked. Sort of. I mean, WP did import the certificate but didn’t provide any clue what I can do with it. I tried to find option to digitally sign or encrypt email, but with no luck. Next thing that came up on my mind was certificate based authentication to Exchange Server. Then I’ve found this article. It seems like WP8 now fully supports certificate based authentication against Exchange Client Access Server. However, my personal certificate issued by Verisign, will not be of any use here as it is not issued by my internal PKI. Will have to get new one and put it on device, and then I will try this.
This seems to be very useful option for authentication to CAS. I think that besides WP8, Android and iOS also support cert based authentication. I will try all three platforms and will post results here. And, it will be nice if WP8 has some certificate management implemented – now when you import the certificate, it’s like in a black hole, no way you can find or manage it (or I didn’t find a way to do it).