Restoring Teams meeting add-in in Outlook

I had kind of weird situation few days ago, when Teams meeting add-in in Outlook just disappeared for no visible reason. Not having that add-in in Outlook actually prevents you from scheduling Teams meeting from Outlook, which not a nice situation. You surely can do it directly from Teams calendar, but that might not be so convenient for several reasons. I first tried some common and known troubleshooting steps. I restarted Teams app, as well as Outlook, tried to reinstall Teams, but nothing helped. The only option was to reinstall Office apps, but I was not in the mood for that for several reasons, so I decided to dig deeper into this issue. On another computer, where Teams meeting add-in was present and working, I opened Outlook, switch to Options and opened Add-ins console. There, I was able to locate Teams meeting files location, like you can see on the following screenshot:


As you can see, it is located in within AppData folder in your user profile. AppData folder is hidden by deafult, so you need to set folder options to actually see it.

When you browse to the folder where Teams meeting add-in is located you can find install log file. It is called meeting-addin-install-logs. When you open it, you can see what was going on with this add-in. However, you can also find a command that is being executed for Teams add-in installation.

This command is:

regsvr32.exe /s /n /i:user “C:\Users\userprofilename\AppData\Local\Microsoft\TeamsMeetingAddin\1.0.20077.4\x64\Microsoft.Teams.AddinLoader.dll”

So, I closed the Outlook and I ran command prompt with elevated privileges, and executed this command. After I got command prompt back again, I restarted the Outlook and – Teams add-in was there again Smile.

Take care!

4 thoughts on “Restoring Teams meeting add-in in Outlook”

  1. Thank you. It worked for me too.
    In my case, I use MS Office 365 64-bit, so the file is in … \x64\… subfolder.

  2. Buenas tarde,
    tengo un problema de outlook, cuando creo una reunión mediante microsoft team dentro de outlook no se me genera el url o link de la reunión ( que generalmente se genera automaticamente).
    Ojala alguien me pueda ayudar!!!.

  3. You are correct, runnig the command can resolve the issue, but what after updating the teams, when you update teams next time your path to add-ins will be changed as path contains version and now you need to run the command again.

    Moral of story: You will have to run the command every time you update the team, which is a real pain.


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